- Some attributes are out of order in the product page even though the custom order has been done
- Translations are: English (default), chinese (translation)
- Attributes were made and custom order set:
- [domain]/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=[attribute-name]&lang=en&post_type=product
- Attributes show up wrong in product pageĀ
- Attributes configured to have custom order and translatable
- [domain]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product&page=product_attributes_extended&edit=[attribute-id]
- Woocommerce
1 Answers
Best Answer
- Go to the attribute admin page for ALL Languages
- [domain]/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=[attribute-name]&lang=all&post_type=product
- Alternatively, check each translation’s order from the language drop down
- Just because 1 translation / english (base translation) is ordered correct, does not mean translations will follow the same order.
- The translation of attribute does not follow the original attribute in terms of order.