How to disable Woocommerce Product Filter at the Top Bar when there is already a Filter in the widget area?

View QuestionsCategory: QuestionsHow to disable Woocommerce Product Filter at the Top Bar when there is already a Filter in the widget area?
admin Staff asked 6 years ago

When I add the Woocommerce Product Filter as a widget for the shop page in Woocommerce, the Woocommerce Product Filter still shows another filter at the top above products. This seems repetitive. How do I disable the one in the top bar?

Plugins: Woocommerce, Woocommerce Product Filter

1 Answers
Best Answer
admin Staff answered 6 years ago

This can be turned off in the advanced settings. Go to:

  1. WordPress Admin Panel
  2. Click on Woocommerce, Settings
  3. Select “Product Filter” tab
  4. Click on “Installation and Advanced Options”
  5. “Shop/Product Archives Installation” field choose “Use Widget”
  6. Click “Save Changes”

This way you can disable the filter showing up at the top bar everywhere.