I tried to go to theme -> customize – woocommerce – change it to 4 for desktop. But it is always showing at 3.
How to fix?
1 Answers
Best Answer
The get theme options function has bug. (The customization options were never saved as a theme option properly in DB.) As a result it always uses the defaults.
Change the hard coded defaults below for your desired values.
File: /wp-content/themes/winnes/inc/woocommerce/theme-woocommerce-shop.php
/** * Zoo get product columns shop page * @uses call function zoo_shop_columns() with parameter device (mobile/table/desktop) * @return this function will return shop columns follow device. **/ if ( ! function_exists( 'zoo_shop_columns' ) ) { function zoo_shop_columns( $device = 'desktop' ) { if ( $device == 'tablet' ) { $cols = get_theme_mod( 'zoo_shop_cols_' . $device, 4 ); //change the 4 } elseif ( $device == 'mobile' ) { $cols = get_theme_mod( 'zoo_shop_cols_' . $device, 2 ); //change the 2 } else { if ( isset( $_GET['cols'] ) ) { $cols = $_GET['cols']; } else { $cols = get_theme_mod( 'zoo_shop_cols_' . $device, 5 ); //change the 5 } } return $cols; } }