How to translate WordPress words in WPML? There are some words that are missing / cannot find where to translate.

View QuestionsCategory: QuestionsHow to translate WordPress words in WPML? There are some words that are missing / cannot find where to translate.
admin Staff asked 4 years ago
1 Answers
admin Staff answered 4 years ago

This likely can be solved with String Translation.

  • Step 1:
    • Go here /wp-admin/admin.php?page=sitepress-multilingual-cms%2Fmenu%2Ftheme-localization.php
    • Type in the string you are trying to translate. 
    • Find the match and type in translation.
    • If you cannot find string OR you Saved translation but website still not showing translated go to step 2. (The actual string likely not in WPML database)
  • Step 2: Scan the theme / plugin for the translation string
    • Go to this page in wordpress admin/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sitepress-multilingual-cms%2Fmenu%2Ftheme-localization.php
    • Go to first section “Strings in the themes”. Check off the theme you are using. If not sure, can just check off everything.
    • Click on blue button “Scan Selected Themes for Strings”
    • Repeat same for next section “Strings in the plugins”
  • Repeat step 1 again to find the string and provide translation.

This works 80% of the time.