How to show the calculate shipping option in cart page? (Woocommerce)

View QuestionsCategory: QuestionsHow to show the calculate shipping option in cart page? (Woocommerce)
admin Staff asked 6 years ago


  • Currently, the woocommerce cart page does not show the claculate shipping option.
  • We have made the proper settings on Woocommerce Settings:
    • Settings -> Shipping -> Shipping Options
    • Calculations, “Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page” is checked
    • Calculations, “Hide shipping costs until an address is entered” is not checked
  • Woocommerce: version 3.3.3

We suspect theme is not compatible with new Wocommerce version?

1 Answers
Best Answer
Rasel Rasel Staff answered 6 years ago


At the bottom missing this function to call calculator.

	if ( ! empty( $show_shipping_calculator ) ) : 