Stack Widgets Side by Side that Adjust # of Items for Screen Width in Elementor?
Step by step guide on how to stack widgets with flexible number of widget / block / elements per row based on screen size in Elementor, Wordpress.
Step by step guide on how to stack widgets with flexible number of widget / block / elements per row based on screen size in Elementor, Wordpress.
This set of instructions is for Chrome Open the website that is blocking the right click. Press Control+Shift+J The Dev Tools window will pop up On the top right click on the 3 dots. A drop down will show up. Click on “Settings” Then a pop up will show. Under “Debugger” check “Disable javascript”. Then…
HTML portion for video: <video muted=”true” autoplay=”true” class=”vid” id=”someVidName” > <source src=”[replace]” type=”video/mp4″> </video> Javascript to make loop. Note that the movie will start from beginning and play until 3.5 sec, then will loop around 1.99 and 3.5 perpetually. (function () { var vidElem = document.getElementById(‘someVidName’); console.log(vidElem); vidElem.addEventListener(“timeupdate”, function () { if (vidElem.currentTime > 3.5)…
Work opportunity closed.
composer install –ignore-platform-reqs Commit all files (new install): git add –all git commit -am “[commit message]” inspect all changes: git add . //stage all files changes up to that point git status //see new / modified / deleted files – splits in two sections – staged for changes vs not stage for…
Greenshot makes saving a lot of screenshots very quickly. You can easily configure it to save the exact part of your screen all in one place. Here are steps below: Download, install and run Greenshot from (safe and secure source for software) Right click the tray icon (Green G in the task bar ) and press…
The snippet below is for pasting into wp-config.php: to enable error logging into file debug.log, but move it outside of public_html to disable showing errors (you can switch comment below to allow display of errors) // Enable WP_DEBUG mode define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true ); // Enable Debug logging to the debug.log file //define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true…
This script will automatically (forcefully) log any user that loads this page into a specific wordpress account. This example logs user into an account with username “demo”.
Word of caution: Any user who finds and loads this page will be logged in. Use very carefully. Do NOT use this script to allow logging into any user account with any meaningful privileges. Do NOT use this in a production environment. This basically creates a backdoor to your wordpress site.
This PHP snippet is to fulfill the pre-flight requirement for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) so browsers will access a resource from another domain to your server. This is useful for any APIs (restful or not), or any resource that will be called remotely. You can basically copy and paste this code. Brief explanation: Before…
This class is for FTP upload / downloading in PHP. Has recursive capability so it can upload / download entire directory and sub-directory structures.